Maison de la Truffe- Paris, France

Maison de la Truffe, located onΒ 19 Place de la Madeleine, 75008 Paris, France, is a restaurant/store whose main idea or thing they sell or cook is truffle. Of course, being sophisti-kids, we had to go.

While Karsen and the two E-po’s scampered off to Monet’s garden in Giverny, Mommy and I (Anya) got some time to ourselves. After going shopping, we hit Maison de la Truffe and had a proper meal. Here is the link:Β

Mommy and I shared a starter of crispy truffle Coulummiers cheese with tomato condiment recommended by our waiter, Max- who apparently gave excellent recommendations, by the way.

photo 5 (1)Think of it like this: a crispy egg roll with melted truffle cheese that oozes in your mouth. Then, of course there’s the sweet tomato condiment that accompanies it. Perfect!

photo 1 (5)

Mommy ordered the risotto with truffles- she has a thing for risotto. Apparently, it was so good that she ordered the same thing the next time she went (and the previous few times she went- without us! Blasphemy!).

photo 2 (8)

I ordered the ravioli, or, as they call it, “raviolis with summer truffles and truffled cream”. Fancy! The best thing was the sauce- just sop it up with that deliciously French bread they give us.

photo 3 (6)

For dessert, (yes I know I’m very greedy) a chocolate fondant with vanilla (truffle!) ice cream. The chocolate spilled out like a lava cake and the truffle was clearly evident (very strong!) in the ice cream. Best truffle dessert ever!

photo 4 (7)

photo 5 (2)

It was so good we couldn’t resist going a second time. And although our first meals were very good, being sophisti-kids, we had to try different dishes. This time, we brought along the two E-pos and Karsen as well.

For starters, we got the same crispy truffle dish but also a crab mille feuille, also recommended by our waiter, Max. This dish was good, but not as good as that DELICIOUS crispy truffle.

photo 2 (6)

This time I (Anya) got the tagliatelles with truffles and truffled cream. Karsen had the same but with foie gras- a much better choice. Compared to the ravioli (which was filled with mushrooms), this tagliatelle was good, but the ravioli was much better. (the first picture is without foie gras and the second is with)

photo 3 (5)

photo 4 (6)

Mommy, as we said before- risotto lover!- got the risotto. Again.

For dessert, we got a strawberry tart- not as good as that chocolate fondant, but still okay. As you can see, our first experience remained the best- in our eyes at least. The next time we go- trust me, there will DEFINITELY be a next time- we’ll know just what to order!

Clearly, this is the ultimate truffle experience and a gathering place for truffle lovers all around. All we can say is: thank GOD this isn’t a michelin starred restaurant! It would be impossible to get in!!!

Maison de la Truffe:

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